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  • asbw1976

Suppression Isn't Really Suppression,Well It Can Be,It Depends...

If you are asked to show proof, via an I.D., that you are who you say you are, the next time you go to vote, are you okay with that?

Will the request, make you feel suppressed, as in limited in your activity, in this case, casting your ballot OR does it give you a certain assurance that your identity, the integrity of the vote... is being considered at all times, above all else?

Democrats have a BIG PROBLEM with showing I.D. to vote - Why?

Do you want some random person pretending to be you, to vote in your place, taking away your vote...definitely limiting your activity and definitely suppressing your vote and what if this Fraud, this person pretending to be you, votes for the one guy. that you can't stand, adding insult to injury?

It's something to think long and hard about.


Let's look at another scenario, Government issued I.D.'s that you will be forced to have on your person {at all times} in order to enter restaurants, ball games, in order to air travel, hail a cab, walk on the other words, in order for you to go on living your life!

Government intrusion into your life, as never before experienced!

Not just any i.d., which exists solely to protect your identity, but rather an I.D. which lets others know that you have received a certain vaccine!

Is this suppression?

Heck yeah it is!

Would this limit your activity?

Heck yeah it has the power/the potential, to bring the living of your a dead stop..... if you DO NOT COMPLY!

Whose business is it anyway whether you've made the decision to be vaccinated or not?

Doesn't this typically fall within Doctor-Patient privilege?


What gives the Federal Government the RIGHT to have your voting rights suppressed by not requiring i.d.'s at the polling place, leaving your identity ripe for fraud?

And furthermore -

What gives the Federal Government the RIGHT to intrude into your private life mandating/forcing you to carry and show an i.d. on your person at all times indicating that the Federal Government has mandated/forced you to put something foreign into your body that you may be adamantly opposed to OR for your own private and personal reasons, which you have already discussed with your Doctor?

Democrats DO NOT have a problem with this form of I.D., in fact, it's their idea. - Why?

Think long and hard about what you've just read!

God Bless!

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