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  • asbw1976

America Unite

Updated: Mar 29

What Happens When We Fail to Take a Stand; What's Happening When We Are Prevented, From Taking That Stand? The NCAA Woman of the Year program was established in 1991 and honors the academic achievements, athletics excellence, community service and leadership of graduating female college athletes from Divisions I, II and III.

Twenty-three sports are represented. At issue - NCAA's Woman of the Year. Don't get too far ahead of me on this, as you begin to consider the guidelines and the criteria; talent, attributes, contributions, etc.

Typically, all of those things which tend to reflect making a difference in the world and making the world a better place. A biological male, born a boy, named William, who is now transgender, and is now Lia, was nominated as the 'Woman of the Year 2022'.

In this, I do not mean to come off as insensitive to what this young individual has gone through in their short life, I don't know; I am not, nor have I ever been, in their skin, in their shoes. I am not Lia's judge. Any decisions that any of us make, and/or, the way we act upon those decisions, is between us and our Creator, if it isn't hurting another individual, in the process! I have nothing, personal, against Lia, but this article isn't about Lia.

This article is about biological females, young women, who have been affected by Lia's plight and Lia's decisions!

I believe that these young women have never once been considered...and that these individuals have been tremendously hurt by all of this, in the process.

These young women have spent their entire life, training, conditioning, preparing to be the very best at their selected sport. Whether it's weightlifting, distance running/sprinting, hurdles, swimming, cycling, etc., they're highly invested in their sport and in their training! They've invested sweat and tears, hours upon hours of sweat equity, sprains/strains and sacrifice, all to be told... at this stage of their lives/careers, that they will be competing against transitioned biological males. Although, the biological males, are now transgender and choose to compete against biological females, rather than other biological males, they still have advantages over biological females. Muscle mass, strength, height advantage, longer arm extension, stamina, etc. That's science, that's a fact!

It is in no way meant as a personal insult and the fact that I am pointing out the obvious, should not be judged as or implied to be., "hate speech" or a "personal attack", as has been my experience! It has not been enough for these young women to have to accept this! As a result, many {not just swimmers} have lost 1st or 2nd or 3rd place finishes, robbed of even making it to the podium! They've also lost titles, medals, awards, endorsements, scholarships... On top of all that has been asked of them, most of them have been silent, afraid to speak up, for fear of being labeled, "hateful", "sexist", "bigoted", etc. and so, they have suffered in their silence!

Now, to add insult to injury, rub a little salt into the wound - the pinnacle award for women's sports, that in which they are all working toward, NCAA's Woman of the Year', has many, losing out again.

The University of Pennsylvania nominated Lia, for this coveted award.

I was wrong, a few years back, when I thought I knew what it took to be named 'Citizen of the Year'. It's not enough to selflessly serve this great Country, putting your life on the line, in a foreign country, losing limbs in the process, nearly losing your life or putting it all out there on the streets of America, in an effort to keep us safer here, to make the list! It's not enough for the good guys with guns, those who rush in to protect the innocent from psychotic, screwed up in the head, confused and violent individuals, whether it be in a church, a shopping mall, a congressional baseball game, etc., to make the list! I am wrong once again, in thinking I knew what it takes to be considered, 'Woman of the Year'.

These days it has nothing to do with anything other than.... Who is more woke, who's more cutting edge, who's the most progressive, who's controversial (but in the ways which count, are they woke enough?) let's go with that person!

Colin Kaepernick proved this when he was nominated and then selected as 'Citizen of the Year.' At the time, I thought it was just about the craziest thing that I had ever heard of, nominate and then select, an American, who by all intents and purposes, disrespects the United States of America:

He repeatedly turned his back on this Country, by taking a knee during the National Anthem.

With every opportunity to make it right, he'd double down in his contempt for this Country.

For all this, he was nominated and then selected... 'Citizen of the Year'! Back to the present topic.

Ever since we began hearing about biological males competing against biological females, in women's sports, I've been questioning, where are the feminists? They've been silent! Why isn't Gloria Steinem "loud and proud" any longer? Why aren't they standing up for female athletes? Why aren't they speaking out against this travesty? Today, I got my answer - Over 465 feminist leaders sign an open letter, standing in solidarity with transgender women and girls. Gloria Steinem is one of the signers: "We write this letter as feminist leaders in advocacy, business, entertainment, media, politics, and social justice who stand as, with, and for transgender and nonbinary people. Trans women and girls have been an integral part of the fight for gender liberation. We uphold that truth and denounce the ongoing anti-transgender rhetoric and efforts we witness in various industries.We acknowledge with clarity and strength that transgender women are women and that transgender girls are girls. And we believe that honoring the diversity of women’s experiences is a strength, not a detriment to the feminist cause. All of us deserve the same access, freedoms, and opportunities. We deserve equal access to education, employment, healthcare, housing, recreation, and public accommodations. And we must respect each person’s right to bodily autonomy and self-determination..." If you care to see where the mind of feminists is today and a list of the other signers, I've linked the letter:

These women, these feminists, do not speak for me, {I was just wondering where they've been} nor the majority of the women that I know! They never have, they never will! They are always fighting the wrong fight, for the wrong cause, against the wrong people {especially the most innocent and helpless among us} which, in my book, makes them dangerous! They can't hold a candle to the courageous suffragettes who came before, diligently and defiantly working for their right as women, to vote, who stayed on point and didn't resort to repulsive and tacky behavior, as many of today's feminists do. They, who won't even stand up for women, much less fight for us or our rights! Equality?

Riley Gaines, who has competed and lost against Lia Thomas, hasn't been silent, she's counted among those brave enough to speak out and she's paid a price!

She has been criticized and labeled and belittled and threatened and physically attacked, but she hasn't backed down. This is only a small part of what she had to say about the nomination of Lia: "First a female national title and now nominated for the pinnacle award in collegiate athletics, the @NCAA has made this award worthless."

This young woman should never have been put in the position to even have to make such a statement, but, nevertheless, here we are, this is what she and other girls/women/biological females, are up against. The feminists aren't going to say it, politicians aren't going to say it, mainstream media isn't going to say it, social media isn't going to say it. It is left for these young ladies and for us not so young ladies and for say what must be said!

We are not in a very good place right now, here in America, far from it!

What are we doing to young men in this Country?

They don't know how to be who they were created to be, confused about their identity and their role in society.

A percentage of the confused are also very angry and what's worse, it has made them crazed and violent.

Losing their minds, taking it out on innocent people in shopping malls, schools, street parties, concerts, etc. on a regular basis.

It wasn't like this in the past, why now? Why indeed!

What are we doing to young women in this Country?

Robbing them of their self-worth, their self-respect, of who they were created to be, on every level --- and for what? To insult them after putting them in a no win situation?

Expecting them to shut-up and accept this?

We aren't moving forward, we are rapidly descending into a very dark and dismal place!

We must all learn how to stand up for ourselves, we can no longer be afraid of the names we may be called...the days of not making a fuss and choosing to sit it out, are long, long gone my fellow citizens!

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