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  • asbw1976

It's My Turn; Here Goes.....

I see you, I hear you with the "wear the mask and shut up" messages flooding social media. Now it's my turn! Several times now, long lines of cars and trucks wait as a little elementary school girl runs from her parents car to the waiting school bus, only to turn around and run back to her car {in a panic} in order to retrieve her order to gain access to the waiting school bus! I've seen my own grandchildren panic when they can't find their mask quickly enough. This is SO WRONG! Where's the evidence that this virus is doing harm or anything else to children? Where's the evidence that this virus is doing harm to healthy people no matter their age? Show me. Share it here and I am not talking about what Big Tech wants me or you to see....haven't you figured them out yet? Yes, I get it, I've repeated it....BY ALL MEANS...let's protect the elderly, let's protect the immune-deficient! But.....we can cannot continue like this. This will never end at this rate. Many of our fellow citizens are living in fear and I've no doubt that many so-called leaders in this Country are perfectly okay with that. They feel it gives them the upper hand in winning back their seats or gaining a seat. Keep the people frightened, therefore, easily controlled. There is no good reason why people sitting in a church building, for example, not anywhere close to anyone outside of their family, should feel as if they can't take off their mask for a time in order to sing or praise God with a loud, unmuffled voice! I won't even go there....about those driving their cars, windows up tight, all alone, their faces covered by 'THE MASK', afraid of what will seep in through the vents?!? Even if at some point, you or I contract the virus, our chances of getting back on our feet in no time at all are at nearly 100%. Just like any other virus. We know there are meds that are working...that are effective. Living in fear is not an option, it's time to stand up and speak out against how this damned virus is currently being used as a weapon against us. The Chinese army might as well be holding guns over us as they do the Uyghurs! Now it’s your turn. Let me have it!

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